I love discussing this in our office with buyers. It’s much easier to answer your questions this way. Let’s meet!

STEP ONE: Meet an agent in office. A good agent will equip you with the right expectations and tools for success. They should be able to recommend lenders, inspectors and any other necessary steps towards purchasing a home.

STEP TWO: Apply online or in person, with a lender. We recommend using local lenders to ensure your information is in good hands. A good lender can work with you to help you raise your credit score or pay off debt. Meet with a lender to discuss the correct methods to take to bring you closer to purchasing a home. Once you have your pre-approval letter, the lender will give you a range of pricing and discuss closing costs, downpayment and appraisal dues with you.

STEP THREE: Home Search. Let your agent know that you’re approved and get shopping! The agent will set up a search, based off your criteria, which will email you whenever homes pop up that fit your needs. When you see a home you’d like to tour, let your agent know and they will schedule it.

STEP FOUR: Make an offer. Your agent will let you know what homes have been selling for in the area and discuss negotiation methods for your offer. The agent will write the offer up based on what the buyer desires and needs.

STEP FIVE: Go under contract. You will need to drop off your earnest money; schedule an inspection; and fully apply with your lender at this point. Your agent will assist you with this and keep track of timelines for you. After inspection, there will be an appraisal and then a final approval from underwriting.

STEP SIX: Close. A Title company will contact you to schedule a signing day and then you will close on the date of agreement on your contract. CONGRATULATIONS.